
wpid-2015-02-25-12-18-37_deco.jpgTyghe went to work, totally prepared to leave his desk the moment my name flashed on his phone.

I took bus to the clinic. Dr. Heng examined me and said the gate was opened 1cm. She sent me to monitor TC’s heartbeat and contraction pain for half an hour and had me waiting for another hour or so for 2nd examination. I couldn’t wait for her as my sugar level was dropping low, I needed to munch on something, a cow maybe. When I was back after my quick bite, she said “It’s 2cm. We’re going to deliver you today dear. Please go to the hospital and I’ll see you there”. To her astonishment, I asked if I could return home to grab the hospital bag first. That was something very unusual for an Asian I guessed. Visiting ob on her delivery day unaccompanied and wasn’t freaking out at all. I was just waiting for her nod. I headed back to the Nest waiting for Tyghe.

10926815_760948747329932_5449034362573329812_oIt took less than 5mins on wheels to Parkway East Hospital. I got admitted at 12.30pm and weighed 59.9kg before getting in the delivery suite. That’s 12kg to lose.

It was the midwife and nurses that present the whole time, Ob only popped in at critical times, which were 2 in my case, 1 to break my waterbag and the other time to receive the baby and stitch me up.

10900043_760948687329938_584676748916390435_oI was still joking around with Tyghe and posed for some shots until an hour later when the first contraction pain kicked in. At first it felt like menses cramp, totally bearable. I thought to myself, people were all exaggerating about labour pain. But I soon realized they all had been true about it. I suffered what felt like the whole century but in the end my stubborn cervix only opened 4cm (I was admitted at 2cm). That was damn the most painful 2cm ever!

I was wired to a machine monitoring fetus’ heartbeat and contraction pain (the same thing I did this morning). Baby’s heartbeat was healthy but the contraction pain leveled up as time passed by. The nurse told Tyghe on average cervix opened  at the rate of 1 cm per hour. We’d been here for 3 hrs and mine opened 2cm. Arggg, some decision needed to be made. Prior to admission, I had proudly turned down all suggestion to take epidural. True enough, I withstood the pain like a hero with laughing gas and whatever jab on the thigh to kill the pain. On level of 10, laughing gas would help to lower 1, while the jab perhaps helped  with 2 to 3 levels down. That’s statistic. Laughing gas was fine to me but the jab was horrible. The pain didn’t go away, worse, it made me drowsy @___@. It was like you trying to fight a war when all your head just kept telling you to go to sleep. The contraction pain reading shot up to 137 which according to nurses, the norm was about 100. I didn’t recall any swearing and admired myself for not scolding my hubby like what all women did during labour, well, at least, in movies.

We did the math, still have 6cm to go and that means at least another 6 hrs of intensive pain. Worried the pain would leave me exhausted and no energy to push,  after a moment of contemplating, we surrendered to epidural. Epidural came in customized dosage, ie. I could either choose max dose to totally ease the pain off, or leave a bit of pain to feel the contraction, that’d help to time the pushing later on, else, you entirely rely on the reading of contraction pain. There was still a little hero left in me so I chose then latter. After 5 mins or so, the pain went almost off. Epidural was worth its price (it’s $500 + $200 for doctor’s fee).

Nurse came to check my service and congratulated me, 9cm. I was like, WTF, you should have checked before epi !!! If I knew it was almost the finishing line, my hard earned $700 would be saved (play a bit of drama here :P). So now I entered the last phase of labour: Pushing. I was told by midwife that baby would press on my anus on his way out so I would feel like passing motion. I indeed felt exactly the urge to go to the loo when eating something wrong. But baby would come out by the other “gateway” so while feeling like sh*ting, I had to push like peeing. That’s totally a dilemma! See, you need to give all mamas credit for being smart. No stupid dude can sort out


Mommy, it’s about time we meet

Somehow my 6th sense was telling me that time was running low so I should try to strike as many items off my to-do list as I could.
That morning, I stepped out of the house heading towards Tekka market for grocery shopping for the next 1 month when I knew I wouldn’t be allowed to leave the nest.

I grabbed everything I could carry home and stuffed into the new freezer which we bought to store expressed breast milk. Very ambitious, to dream of a stash full of liquid gold for my boy. But not until I build up my stash, for now, it was just beef, pork and the like.

imageAfter cleaning up the house and some other chores which too little to be named but took up my entire afternoon, when the sweaty-me wanted a shower, something weird came off and clung onto my thigh. Most people would ewwww when seeing this, I would react the same way too, but not today cos it’s the message sent from my boy that he was about the greet the world.

Half excited half nervous cos clueless what to do next, I picked up the phone to inform Hubby. While he tried to calm me down, I knew he was far more nervous than me.

I carried out the rest of the works I planned for the day. There’s no need to fret cos “keeping calm and carry on” was the only good thing at the moment. I dialed hospital hotline to inform them of my condition & observation. Shortly after that my Ob called back to check if I felt any contraction pain and told me if there was any, get myself admitted soonest possible, otherwise, just wait till the morning after then come see her at her clinic.
Looking up to Guanyin, I silently prayed to give me one more night to finish up the chores. My wish was granted. The last night of our freedom passed by in peace.

Mommy, it’s about time we meet

Cruelty free

Cruelty free

Spotted this cute little label on some of the products, curious and went to check out the story behind it.

Used to be so naive to think that animal testing in cosmetics industry merely involves rubbing, trying new products / ingredients on to the animal skin, yes, it’s a little bit unfair to the animal cos they’re imprisoned in lab but not much thoughts were put into after that.

Anyway, I learnt a new thing today. Animals in the lab are suffering like hell, or worse.

Here’s what is written on wiki

Animals such as rabbits, rats, mice, and guinea pigs are forced to eat or inhale substances, or have a cosmetic ingredient rubbed onto their shaved skin, eyes or ears every day for 28 or 90 days to see if they have an allergic reaction. Then they are killed and cut open to examine the effects the ingredient has on internal organs. These tests are also done with pregnant animals who, after much suffering, are killed along with the fetus. In more prolonged carcinogen tests, rats are force-fed a cosmetic ingredient over two years, monitored for cancer, and then killed.

And if you google “animal testing” … a whole series of horror images will appear that I don’t even want to repost here. Simply too scary!

I know what to look out for next time. How about you?

Cruelty free

Vỏ chanh

Vì sao chính phủ Sing thu thuế thì ít (thuế thu nhập là ít hơn hẳn với các nước khác) nhưng mà vẫn giàu, vẫn có tiền xây đủ thứ các loại công trình, cái nào cái nấy mấy chục mấy trăm triệu mà chi vèo vèo, đường xá thì suốt ngày đào bới ko yên được ngày nào cả.

Chính phủ Sing khôn chết. Dân Sing là chúa so sánh và complain (càu nhàu). Thu thuế nhiều dân ghét dân lèm bèm suốt ngày. Thế nên muốn thu nhiều phải thu khéo, để dân bị móc tiền nhưng ko biết hoặc giả biết cũng dek làm được gì.

1. Rõ ràng nhất chắc là CPF. Tự nhiên mỗi tháng bị mất toi 20% lương vào đấy. Ừ thì bảo là có nhiều người ko biết manage, chính phủ dùng tiền đấy để chi trả cho những khoản thiết yếu như nhà cửa, y tế. Nhà cửa tý bàn sau nhưng còn y tế thì phí cao ngất, có save cả đời cũng ko trả được viện phí nếu rủi bị mấy bệnh nặng nặng như ung thư. Mà ở cái xứ nhìn đâu cũng thấy đồ nhập của Trung Quốc thì về già ko ung thư mới lạ. Đã vậy mỗi lần đi việc đâu có lôi hết Medisave ra trả được đâu, max 80% là cùng. Thế rồi cũng phải lọt tọt đi mua bảo hiểm, trả được bằng Medisave nhưng cũng ko quá 40%. Rồi 1 mớ tiền đọng trong đó, ko rút ra được cho đến khi nghỉ hưu, mà tưởng nghỉ hưu hắn cho rút hết à, dan gu gu (ie. wait long long) nhé. Cái chiêu giữ hộ này hay, mốt Bob đi làm, mình sẽ khuyên răn em nó & áp dụng triệt để.

2. Ước mơ nhỏ bé của mèo là cả nhà có được cái xe quèn để đi lại, ko phải Audi, Merc này nọ để show hàng. Đến cả US celebrity cũng phải ngoác mồm khi nghe biết 1 con vịt què ở Sing giá còn cao hơn cả thiên nga Mỹ. COE là biện pháp để chính phủ hạn chế số lượng xe lưu thông, cũng đúng vì Sing nhỏ mà, cũng hiệu quả vì chi đến 70k – 90k cho 1 tờ giấy, chưa đến được cái bù loong xe thì mèo cũng sun vòi, mà ko phải chỉ có mèo. Chính phủ Sing ko cần nói nhiều, ko muốn dân làm gì cứ phạt càng nặng lập tức hết ngay.

Continue reading “Vỏ chanh”

Vỏ chanh

[Tosowoong] 4D Vibration Pore Brush

Cleansing is the first and most important step in skincare routine. This fact is known and passed down for generations.

I have been strictly adhering to double-cleansing rule (ie. remove makeup with deep cleansing oil, thereafter followed by facial wash). And now I just added a new gadget to my little makeup corner – the pore brush.

The bristles of a pore brush is super duper fine that enable it to really dig and remove trapped dirt in your pores. If you google for pore brush, the first to appear on your screen (the result may vary from country to country as google has different sites for each country, mine is .sg) is this simple brush by Tosowoong. Many reviewers said it is amazingly soft and it does work. But along with the million soft bristles comes big drawback. It’s nearly impossible to dry out thanks to the dense, compacted bristles. This makes it less ideal for traveling despite the portable size and not really hygenic. Pricing is steep too. It’s $22.40 + $5.60 for shipping on Qoo10.

If you want to give pore brush a shot, try this one. Only costs less than $5 and has tons of good reviews too.

http://i.ebayimg.com/t/Tosowoong-Electric-4D-Vibration-Blackhead-Sebum-Pore-Deep-Cleansing-Brush-/00/s/ODAwWDgwMA==/z/vGcAAOxy9bxRzR~2/$T2eC16JHJGkFFmtI!F!lBRzR+0nyPw~~60_35.JPGFor some reasons, I ended up with this motorized version of the pore brush by Tosowoong. There weren’t many reviews on this. I bought on impulse cos the cute shape. Luckily it doesn’t fail me. Heng ah!!!

It costs $32 +$5.6 for shipping from Korea.

The bristles are unarguably soft and I don’t feel much different from using Clarisonic Mia 2. I’ve tried the Mia 2 at Sephora but honestly speaking, besides the similarly cute shape, Mia 2 doesn’t give me much impression. Perhaps I need to continuously use it to see the result. But its price tag is really a show-stopper. Continue reading “[Tosowoong] 4D Vibration Pore Brush”

[Tosowoong] 4D Vibration Pore Brush